November Pumped News

Can you believe it's already November? We've already had a couple days of rain here on the Central Coast and it's supposed to freeze tonight. I guess it's time to get the spare bike on the trainer and do some Zwifting to stay ready for the outdoor cycling days.

Along with planning new rides, I've been updating the Pumped Adventures website, so if you have a minute please go check it out. There is a new FAQ page, a few new ride preview pages that will be updated with more info soon. There is also a new addition to the About Page, make sure you go and check that out!

Don't forget to reserve your space for the Sierras To The Sea ride scheduled for this June. It's going to be a great ride from Lake Tahoe to San Francisco. You don't want to miss out!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you have any friends that may be interested in riding with us please forward this to them.


December Already?


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