December Already?

Can you believe that December is already here? It doesn't seem that long ago that we were in Mississippi for the Natchez Trace Ride. I want to thank all of you that participated in that trip. That trip really cemented for me that I could put these rides on while providing a great experience and having a great time myself. I also want to thank Natalie and Chris as they were an integral part of making the trip happen and making it a great trip for everyone.

For next year we're trying to grow a bit. We're planning on adding a few more rides and you can help us. If you know anyone that may be interested in participating in one of our rides, please forward this email to them using the "Forward to Friend" link below.

First up, in June, we have "Sierras To The Sea", an epic 7 Day ride around Lake Tahoe and across Central California to the Pacific Ocean and finishing up in San Francisco. If you haven't already reserved your spot, there is a link below to the webpage with all the information. Don't delay, deadlines for reservations are quickly approaching.

In September 2023 we will host the Northern CA Coast Ride. This ride will be Sept. 22-28 including 6 days of riding from Eureka, CA, down the coast, and ending in San Francisco in time to have a rest day before the 2023 California Coast Classic starts on Sept 30th. It will be a beautiful ride along the Avenue of Giants and down the north coast along Highway 1. More information on this ride will be on the website shortly. While we're talking about the 2023 CCC, I encourage you to ride it if you haven't. If you have, you already know what a great ride for a great cause it is and I'd love to have you ride it again with team Ride Rogue!

Last, but not least, in October, we're planning the "Vineyard House Cycling Camp." Don't worry there is no camping involved! The Vineyard House is a fully renovated 8 bedroom house that we will be using as a basecamp. We'll be doing 4 days of some of the best cycling that the CA Central Coast has to offer in the mornings. The afternoons will be filled with wine tasting, brewery tours, olive oil tasting, or other Central Coast experiences. Dinners will either be catered wine pairings with local wineries or out at one of Paso Robles' great restaurants. All in all, it will be an awesome central coast cycling experience. We will do it 2 weeks in a row if we get enough interest. More information is being updated on the website.

Thanks again for making this a great year and sharing this email with your cycling friends!


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November Pumped News